A simple word, a complex thought. What is it to want? There’s the phrase, “You have been weighed, you have been measured, you have been found wanting.” A person’s essence … found wanting, apparently, whether they know it or not. It speaks to me of integrity, a want for something within the nature of who I am that others can identify but, possibly, I am blind to. Another phrase, “I want for nothing.” And like it; “I shall not want.” Want for what? For things… for experiences… for relationships… power…fame? It speaks to me of satisfaction. To be in a place of contentment; to have, in some way, all that I want. And then there is the WANT that’s the most used. What do you want: To know? On the grocery list? To be remembered for? To do tonight? Your partner to do/not do, say/not say? In a partner? Me to do? To be happy? What do I want? How bad do I want it? The theme has presented itself to me over and over again this week: as Booktrope closed, as I attended a law of attraction class on a whim when plans changed, as I talked to a friend about what is wanting in their life, as I met with a mentor to be more productive and successful in life, as I ran (for the first time) to increase my speed not just for fun, as I embarked on the journey to fearlessly inventory the good, the bad, the beautiful and ugly in my life. What am I found wanting? What do I want for? What do I want? How bad do I want it? How long will I want these things that seem so important at this moment? Though he’s specifically talking about a romantic choice, I think Noah, in the Notebook sums up the heart of all the wants best in this little scene. Enjoy and ponder what you want and want for… Happy Friday!
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