Write a Report & Enter to Win a Prize!
Read one (or more) of my books & write either: a book report, a character analysis, compare/contrast to a similar book/movie, or an editorial critique (minimum of 500 words). Email to: [email protected] for a chance to win!
1- $50 cash prize, 1 - $20 cash prize, 1 - $20 gift certificate to Ye Olde Bookshoppe, 1 - Lucy H. Delaney print book of your choice
All books available at Ye Olde Bookshoppe & on sale NOW for only $7!! (Choose either mail delivery or curbside pickup.)
Books also available on Amazon in digital or print (NOTE: print books NOT sale price on Amazon)
**RULES: Entrants can write 1 unique report, analysis, compare/contrast, and/or critique per book, each counts as one entry into the drawing. Entrants can enter reports, analysis, compare/contrast, and/or critiques for multiple books. Drawings held quarterly. 4 winners will be chosen at random from among all qualified email entries since the last drawing. Minors welcome to participate, must have parent permission emailed separately to [email protected]
Read one (or more) of my books & write either: a book report, a character analysis, compare/contrast to a similar book/movie, or an editorial critique (minimum of 500 words). Email to: [email protected] for a chance to win!
1- $50 cash prize, 1 - $20 cash prize, 1 - $20 gift certificate to Ye Olde Bookshoppe, 1 - Lucy H. Delaney print book of your choice
All books available at Ye Olde Bookshoppe & on sale NOW for only $7!! (Choose either mail delivery or curbside pickup.)
Books also available on Amazon in digital or print (NOTE: print books NOT sale price on Amazon)
**RULES: Entrants can write 1 unique report, analysis, compare/contrast, and/or critique per book, each counts as one entry into the drawing. Entrants can enter reports, analysis, compare/contrast, and/or critiques for multiple books. Drawings held quarterly. 4 winners will be chosen at random from among all qualified email entries since the last drawing. Minors welcome to participate, must have parent permission emailed separately to [email protected]